Device Protection Policy


Device Ownership and Responsibility: 

a. Students are responsible for their personal devices brought to school premises.

b. HUBOG School is not liable for any damage, loss, or theft of personal devices.

Acceptable Use: 

a. Devices should be used for educational purposes, under the guidance of teachers and staff.

b. Inappropriate content, including but not limited to explicit material, cyberbullying, or illegal activities, is strictly prohibited.

Device Security: 

a. Students must secure their devices with passwords or biometric authentication to prevent unauthorized access.

b. Devices should have up-to-date antivirus and security software installed.

Network Usage: 

a. Students should only connect to the school’s secure Wi-Fi network.

b. Unauthorized access or attempts to bypass security measures are strictly prohibited.

Respect for Others: 

a. Students should not use their devices to record, photograph, or share others without their explicit consent.

b. Devices should be silenced or set to vibrate during class hours to avoid disrupting the learning environment.

Device Distractions: 

a. Students must refrain from using devices for non-educational purposes during class unless explicitly instructed by the teacher.

Storage and Backup: 

a. Students are responsible for regularly backing up their data to prevent loss in case of device issues.

Reporting Incidents: 

a. Students must report any theft, loss, or damage to their devices immediately to the school authorities.

Lending or Borrowing Devices: 

a. Students should not lend their devices to others, and borrowing devices without permission is not allowed.

Cybersecurity Education: 

a. Students will receive regular cybersecurity education to promote safe online practices.

Software and App Usage: 

a. Students should only install approved software and apps from reliable sources.

b. Unauthorized installation or use of prohibited apps is not permitted.

Personal Data Protection: 

a. Students should be cautious about sharing personal information online and avoid disclosing sensitive data.

Compliance and Consequences: 

a. Non-compliance with the device protection policy may result in disciplinary actions as per school regulations.

Parental Involvement: 

a. Parents/guardians should be actively involved in monitoring their child’s device usage and reinforcing the policy’s guidelines.

By adhering to the Student Device Protection Policy, Hubert Ogunde Memorial School aims to create a safe and productive digital learning environment that promotes responsible device usage among its students.

Policy Managers

Mr John Adewole

Mrs Mercy Ibitoye